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Thank you for using the OIC on-line classified ad system for your buying and selling needs!

DISCLAIMER: The OIC, its associates and affiliates assume no liability or responsibility for any information presented within this classified ad system. The sellers and buyers listed in this system have not been examined by the OIC and are not endorsed by the OIC. By using this information you agree to hold the OIC harmless against any incidental or consequential events arising from the use of this system.

Who may post classified ads here?

Anyone who has not been specifically banned may post classified ads. You do not have to be an OIC member. Keep in mind however that this system exists for ads pertaining in some way to the Imperial automobile; Ads that are deemed inappropriate or off-subject will be deleted without notice. Please note that we do not allow ads that mention demolition derbys, or ads that are obviously intended as such.

How long does a classified ad remain on the system?

Ads will remain for at least 3 months unless you remove them manually before that time.

Who do I contact if I have questions or comments?

Email if you have comments or require assistance.


Thank you, The Online Imperial Club