Master Power Brakes Member Reviews

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Below are a few reviews of Heater Control Valves.  If you would like to include a review of this vendor, please fill out our form and we will add your comments as soon as possible.  Make sure to include your email address because we will not include your review without a verifiable address.  After you write your review, you will receive an automated response from us which will confirm your email address and shortly after, your comments will be added to this page.  Thank you so much for your participation!  We appreciate your comments!!


Jim wrote:

By the way, my bellows looked ok on the outside too....BEFORE I had my other brake parts replaced. A week later, I noticed that it was developing cracks in the seams and it was "stuttering," not smooth, I could feel it through the pedal (this wasn't a "pulse," by the way, it was a....., well, it was a stutter). Then one morning, I started to back out of the parking space and there was no assistance at all. The brakes were there, but I had to practically stand up on the pedal, like the Flintstones!

It cost me a pretty penny (or an ugly one, depending on how you look at it): $395 plus $12.04 shipping for a total of $407.04. But I also remember calling a couple of other places which would have charged $50-$150 more (I'd have to research who they were).

When I had all the wheel cylinders and master cylinder replaced, the bellows gave out. I've been told that sometimes all the fresh, new parts will overload an old component.

Anyway, I am very satisfied with the work they did. They stuck to the promised schedule, and returned my rebuilt bellows to me one week after they received it.





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The vendor review section of this website is provided as a means of keeping club members informed about practices and experiences concerning various providers of parts and services.  This section contains unedited, unsolicited opinions expressed by members of an online car club. No attempt has been made to bias the opinions, or slant the number of viewpoints on one side or another. All opinions have been included, as supplied.  If any vendors don't like the viewpoints expressed here, they are welcome to provide a rebuttal, which will be posted as well.

This page was last updated February 28, 2003. Send us your feedback, and come join the Imperial Mailing List - Online Car Club