1926 to 1939 Imperials on the Silver Screen

Imperial Home Page -> Screen Stars -> 1926-1939

If you encounter any more sightings, please let me know! I'm also interested in expanding these listings with further juicy gossip, tidbits, trivia, scandal, or whatever else that will make these movies more enticing. Thanks!

The Great Dictator (1940) - Charlie Chaplin as Adenoid Hynkel in a 1932 Chrysler Imperial.

Tournament of Roses Parade (1985) - footage from the 1985 parade showing Lee Iacocca riding as Grand Marshal in a 1928 Chrysler Imperial.

From: gebhard@switch.rockwell.com (R.W.Gebhard)

Godfather, Part 1 - Marlon Brando. Aside from being a GREAT flick, some nice repeated shots of what could be a 1938 Imperial.

Edison, The Wizard Of Light (1998): Feature film about the amazing inventor which features a tan and brown 1927 Chrysler Imperial .  Check out the website of this interesting film.



This page was last updated November 17, 2003.  Send us your feedback, and come join the Imperial Mailing List - Online Car Club