Dick Benjamin's 1968 Imperial, in a Genuity TV Ad

Imperial Home Page -> Screen Stars -> 1967-1968 -> Genuity Ad

IML Member Dick Benjamin's lovely Sovereign Gold 1968 Imperial Crown 4-door hardtop helps set the scene as 1969 for this Genuity TV ad.

Below are several still pictures from the movie.  In order to play, just click any of the pictures below--click on a small picture for a small (840 K) movie, or a large picture to view a larger, high quality clip suitable for viewing in "full-screen" mode; file size is 4.7 Meg.  Left click to view the movie directly, or save to your hard drive by right-clicking and selecting "Save Target As".  If you need help viewing, go to our "How To Play Imperial Movies" page.  Enjoy!


It's a little late to post this, but for 6 hours, Saturday and Sunday, from noon to 3 PM PST both days, the commercial with my 68 Crown 4 DR HT ran on NBC's coverage of the Genuity Golf Tournament, at Doral Beach, Florida. My car is on the screen in recognizable form for about 5 seconds each time the commercial is shown, and an additional 5 seconds or so shot UNDER the car at someone's feet walking past on the sidewalk. At least you can see my nice shiny undercarriage, courtesy of 34 years in the Southwest!

This was the first time I have seen this commercial. I captured it on video tape.

Dick Benjamin


"It was 1969...."  Dick Benjamin's '68 Crown is parked in front of a VW Microbus.
840 K 4.7 Meg
"Peace, love and music were in the air."
840 K 4.7 Meg
I never thought of the '68 Imperial as a hippie car!
840 K 4.7 Meg
Platform shoes are seen from down low as a person walks past the Imperial.  As Dick so aptly pointed out, "At least you can see my nice shiny undercarriage, courtesy of 34 years in the Southwest!"
840 K 4.7 Meg
"And these guys...were nowhere near it."  Here is a photo of Dick Benjamin, electrical engineer, working on an improved Imperial multi-plex stereo system (recognized today as the forerunner to the Internet).
840 K 4.7 Meg


This page was last updated March 20, 2002.  Send us your feedback, and come join the Imperial Mailing List - Online Car Club