WPC Club notes Concerning 1970 Imperials

Imperial Home Page -> Imperials by Year -> 1970 -> WPC Notes

From Tony Lindsey:

The following are a few skimpy notes that I made in 1991 while indexing some back-issues of the WPC NEWS, the monthly newsmagazine of the "wpc", which is the largest Chrysler-Products club in the world. I strongly recommend that all Imperial owners belong to this club, for the sake of the classified ads and the club events. Back-issues may still be purchased for a small fee, and they are worth it. I particularly recommend buying any issues that mention "cover story" in the notes below. They will give you information about your car that you NEVER imagined was available.

There are 6 1970 Imperials listed in the 1989 WPC Club roster.

This page was last updated October 5, 2003. Send us your feedback and come join the Imperial Mailing List - Online Car Club.